Friday, August 1, 2008

Week 13

Fingerprints have formed and it's veins and organs are clearly visible through it'a still-thin skin, and babies body is starting to catch up with the head. The external sex structures of a girl can be clearly distinguished from those of a boys. Baby can also move its thumb and fingers. I can push on my abdomen and the baby will respond to it, I just still can't feel him/her moving. Baby is practicing inhaling and exhaling. The palate is completed and the sucking muscles are filling out the cheeks. The larynx,esophogus and windpipe are all present. Over the next several days the baby will begin to make breathing,sucking and swallowing motions. (that is so cool). Now I may be off on some of this information, don't take it as gospel. The baby is 3 inches long and weighs almost an ounce, that is so tiny. The length is relative to the size of a medium shrimp.


Myron Harlan said...

So cool... thank you for sharing... how did he or she go from a lime to a shrimp?

Anonymous said...

yeah it's so fun to experience this joy! Don't take a moment for granted you will never get them back!