A little too close:)

Sitting on the floor with Nana
This is Gracie rolling over. She usually flips onto her stomache the second she gets to the floor, but today she was taking her time. She first rolled from her tummy to her back on March 23. She started rolling the other way just a few weeks later.
Grace loves to play in her chair. She can't quite reach the floor but that doesn't stop her. She can move the toys and turn herself around. Of course she wasn't very cooperative today:)
Gracie at home, she found her foot and loves to hold onto it. I finally figured out how to use the video on my camera, so bear with me I will probably be posting more:)
Gracie at the beach. She just got back from being in the water and wanted to lay around and chew on her diaper bag. She may look a little dorky but the sun is really bright and without the sunglasses she can't see and gets mad.