Tuesday, September 30, 2008

22 weeks again

I forgot to add that I can feel her moving now. I just thought it was gas at first, but she was very insistent. It is a weird feeling now that I know it is her. She moves a lot. I swear she is doing cartwheels and backflips sometimes. It will be interesting once she can really pack a punch and a kick. I probably won't find it as funny. Oh well. I know she is a mover, everytime I go to the doctor they check her heartbeat and they have trouble pinning her down just to get it. She's just feisty like her mom.

22 weeks

I know it has been awhile since I have updated this. Sorry about that. Everything is going pretty well. I had my 20 week ultra sound done about 2 weeks ago. I found out it's a girl! They couldn't see her very well so I had another ultra sound done again today. She looks absolutely beautiful. They did find a problem though. She looks fine, but there is a problem with the umbillical cord. A normal one has 3 vessals, 2 veins and 1 artery. The problem with mine is that it only has 2 vessals. One vein and one artery. I haven't done the research yet so I am not positive the effects this can have on her. The doctor said it is something they have to watch so I am going to have an ultrasound done once a month to make sure she is still growing and developing appropriately. Right now she looks good, she weighs 1lb 2oz. I will post more information as I get it. For now I am going to post all of her ultra sound pictures starting with her super early ones. So enjoy and know that I have only 4 mos to go!