Well, Gracie is now 7 weeks old. I sent out anouncements so those should be arriving in the mail soon. On March 4, 2009, Gracie had her first surgery. She had the frenulum clipped under her tongue. They did have to put her under to do this, I was definately a nervous wreck that morning. But she made it through with flying colors and she can now stick her tongue out like everyone else, and she can eat a lot easier and it's less painful for me. She has been smiling at us for quite some time, but the last 3 weeks you can get her to smile or she just does it on her own. If you are ever having a bad day all you need to do is look at a picture of her smiling (or in my case look at her) and it all melts away. She has also started to giggle/laugh. She does this randomly and usually in her sleep. So hopefully soon we will get to hear that wonderful sound. On March 23 Grace was laying on her tummy and decided to roll over onto her back! Of course I was not home when this happened and I am patiently waiting for it to happen again. She is a little young for this, but she did do it. We went to California from March 11-17. Taking a 5 week old on the plane made me a little nervous, but she did really well. Better than the older kids and babies. We had a really good time in Sacramento, visiting Amy, Myron and Myron. All of the pictures after entry will be from California. I will be going to MN in April with Gracie and this time I have to fly alone with her. I had a ton of help from Mom and she will be missed on this next trip. I will try to update this a little better from now on, but it is hard to do when Miss Gracie demands most, if not all, of my attention (I have one jealous cat).